Journal of Earth & Environmental Waste Management

Strategic Environmental Assessment (Sea) Process for Sustainable Earth and Environmental Waste Management Towards Sustainable Development


Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer

Strategic environmental assessment [SEA] process can be broadly defined as a study of the impacts of a proposed project, plan, project, policy, or legislative action on the environment and sustainability. The significance of the work entitled“Sustainable Earth and Environmental Waste Management” is mainly confirmatory as it solves environmental and social problems. In this research, the SEA process has been aimed to incorporate environmental and sustainability factors into sustainable earth and environmental waste management includes climate change and control as an example like production and manufacturing process project planning and decision-making processes such as project formulation and appraisal of wastewater treatment process, rotating biological contactors, trickling filter bed, biomedical parts, marine biopolymers, Indo-Matsushita midget electrode [battery carbon rod] plant in 1979 at Tada, sustainable bridge, road, and sanitation structure, green building, nuclear power plant, cotton roller ginning plant and concrete that included policies, programs, plans, and legislative actions. Sustainable materials for biopolymer and bio-plastic applications manufacturing process development is a kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability and efficacy of future generations to meet their own needs. Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] process can be defined as the systematic study of the potential impacts [effects] of proposed projects, plans, programs, policies, or legislative actions relative to the physical-chemical, biological, bio-medical, cultural, and socioeconomic components of the total environmental product life cycle. The primary purpose of the EIA process is to encourage the consideration of the environment in the Organizational’s earth and environmental waste management project planning and decision making [EAWMPPDM] process and to arrive at environmentally compatible actions. The sustainable earth and environmental waste management process should include the integrated consideration of technical or engineering, economic, environmental, safety, and health, social, and sustainability factors to achieve business excellence as per post COVID-19 World Scenario. Before the National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA] process in 1970 in the USA, technical and economic factors dominance the World’s manufacturing process projects. The objective of the study is to conceptualize a training course module incorporating the SEA process for the Sustainable Environmental Climate Change and Control for the officers of Bihar Institute Public Administration and Rural Develeopment [BIPARD], Patna, Bihar, India during the Research Year [RY] 2023-2024. The design of the study is cross-sectional. The limitation or recommendation of the study and check is to apply strategic environmental assessment process for sustainable environmental climate change and control towards sustainable development.