Archives of Humanities & Social Sciences Research

Some Reflections on the Role of Science in Human Civilizations


Jie Zhang

Science is a crown result of human civilization. Science has been playing an indispensable role in improving the quality of human life and quenching human thirst for knowledge. Science is the foundation of technology, and together they are first productive force pushing forward economy in a human society. Without science and technology, we humans may not live longer than ever before or enjoy the ever-increasing comfort in daily life. This paper is a discussion on the relationship between culture and science as well as society and science (October). In his Course of Positive Philosophy, Augusta Comte proposed that in the long history of human civilizations, human beings have been experiencing theological (religious), metaphysical (conceptual), and positive (scientific) stages. We humans are right now in the period of science, which may not be the last stage of human civilizations [1].