Journal of Gynecology and Reproductive Health

  • ISSN: 2574-2728

Slippery Road of Womens Reproductive Health, Preventive Possibilities, Crippling Potholes Due to Covid Pandemic and Pearls Found


S. Chhabra

Context: Road of women’s reproductive health is slippery, but falls can be prevented even with low resources. Covid-19 pandemic crippled road, created potholes, but provided pearls too.
Objective: Information about challenges in women’s reproductive health, preventive modes, impact of covid pandemic, new learning.
Material: Personal experiences, discussions have been added to information about women’s reproductive health, thrust on adolescents, maternal health, preventive modalities, impact of Covid pandemic, alternatives discovered. Slippery road: Globally women’s reproductive health continues to be staggering challenge, deaths due to preventable
complications during maternity, other preventable disorders continue with limitations of prevention. Struggle goes on for knowing facilitators, barriers, challenges, opportunities.
Covid-19: Women’s reproductive health was affected much more by COVID-19 pandemic Pearls: New modes, preventive, curative, adoption to digital technology, distance training, care.
Conclusions: Women suffer due to reproductive health, sufferings can be prevented with limited resources also. Covid had negative impact, but gave new learning