Journal of Biomedical and Engineering Research

  • ISSN: 3065-8780

Sero Prevalance of Dengue Cases, a Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Chhotaudepur, a Tribal District of Gujarat


Sajad ahmad Malik, Thakur Arti, shugufta shakeel, Prasad Satish and Kaur Balwinder

Background: Dengue fever is one of the most important mosquito borne arboviral disease and is a major international public health concern. Disease is mainly found to affecting the tropical and Subtropical countries of the world. Aims & Objective: This study was conducted to assess the Prevalence of dengue virus infection in clinically suspected cases coming at tertiary care Hospital in Chhotaudepur one of the tribal district of the Gujarat, state.

Material and Methods: The study was conducted during the months from June 2022 to December 2022. Total 336 serum Samples were collected at the Laboratory Department of General Hospital from the patients Suspected for dengue cases. 3-5 ml of blood sample was collected in plane vacuette and tested for dengue NS1 antigen and IgM antibody by ELISA method. The results data were analyzed for Socieo-demographic features, seasonal variations and statistically to found their significance.

Results: Out of total 336 dengue suspected cases, 39 were found positive for Dengue NS1Ag That’s why the seroprevalance of dengue NS1 positive cases was 11.61% (n=39). Among 13.57% Cases (n= 22) were male and 6.55% cases were of females (n= 17). Among the seasonal trend the Peak of dengue cases were found in the month of October (18 out of 105) with gradual increase, whereas the lowest numbers of dengue cases was detected in the month of June and December. Among the total 20 dengue IgM test only 3 were found positive for dengue infection.

Conclusion: The most of the dengue cases were found to be belonged from the younger age group. Dengue Cases appear slowly and reach to the peak in the post monsoon season which coincide with the Increased vector breeding with favorable seasonal habitat. With respect to epidemic measure to detect and control early infection, the dengue NS1 antigen ELISA test appear as an index Diagnostic test in term of its rapidity, ease of performance, and cost effectiveness.