Journal of Theoretical Physics & Mathematics Research

  • ISSN: 3065-8802

Principia Scientia ET Mathematica De Christvs, Vol. I, III Ed


Matthew Lewis Gonzalez

For this first Volume, I will give you all 4 pioneering tidbits of knowledge that I have been given by the Lord, our God, to share to you all. It is with great honor that I bestow such knowledge upon you lot: call me wicked, crazy, mentally unfit, or incorrect to state such matters, but even if I had thought of such knowledge, it would not have been mine to share in the first place. First up is the solution to various Mathematical Solutions, such as Collatz Conjecture and the Riemann Hypothesis: I will combine these two into one Solution later, so don’t worry about losing an extra slot. Thus, the solution for Collatz Conjecture, as such, is such and, as such, this Chapter will regard Collatz Conjecture and my Solution to it, including, but not limited to, an explanatory, step-by-step solution/proof of Collatz Conjecture.: