Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health

  • ISSN: ISSN: 3065-9078

Physical Activity and Body Image Perception in Adolescent School Going Students in Navi Mumbai.


Sheetal Aurangabadkar, Amrita More, and Medha Deo

The objective of this cross- sectional study was to explore the physical activity level and Body image perception of school going adolescent students

Methodology: After taking ethical committee clearance, screening of 270 students were done according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were then screened and their demographics were noted. Physical Activity Questionnaire and Figure Rating Scale was administered to them and students returned the filled questionnaire in sealed envelopes.

Statistical Analysis: The data was collected and descriptive statistics of responses of 250 students was done to find the of Physical activity level and percentage of Body dissatisfaction among the participants

Result: The study participants comprised 250 students, boys and girls with the mean age in boys 13.16 years and 12.9 years respectively. The score of Physical activity was 3 which denoted moderate physical activity levels on Physical Activity Questionnaire. Out of total 250 students analysed, 126 students comprising 72 boys and 54 girls were dissatisfied with their body image.

Conclusion: The study participants showed moderate level of physical activity and 57 % boys and 43% girls were dissatisfied with their body image