Cardiology & Vascular Research

  • ISSN: 2577-655X

How the world of AI is affecting Practice in Cardiology: A review


Dev Desai & Siddharth Agarwal

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in cardiology has exhibited noteworthy potential in augmenting patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. This paper offers a comprehensive survey of contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) implementations in the realm of cardiology, spanning diverse domains like prognostication of risk factors, therapeutic interventions, and diagnostic protocol development.

The study also explores future prospects, such as establishing personalised risk assessments and enhancing medical imaging, as well as the obstacles and limits of AI in healthcare, such as the requirement for vast datasets and ethical considerations. Through collaboration among healthcare organisations, open incorporation of AI into clinical operations, and careful consideration of ethical factors, AI has the potential to transform cardiology and enhance patient outcomes.