Gareth Morgan, John Watkins, Majd Protty and Peter Elwood
There is highly suggestive evidence that low-dose aspirin (LDA), 75-150 mg per day, could help improve adult cancer survival by 20%. The Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) is a combined metric of length of life and quality of life. A cost estimate of £10 per annum per patient for LDA was taken for a health economic model of a cohort of 100 adult cancer patients. The overall years gained based on this calculation is that 10 extra patients will live an extra 10 years for every 100 adult cancer patients taking LDA. If these 10% of patients equally share a 100% boost to their quality of life, then each patient will also receive a 10% boost to the quality of life per annum. Based upon a 10% boost to the quality of life, an estimate of £100 per QALY from LDA was made, which would make this option highly cost-effective as compared to standard health economic metrics that is used by medical regulators. From a health economic perspective, LDA should be seriously considered an additional treatment in adult cancer patients.