Archives of Humanities & Social Sciences Research

E-Governance in Controlling Corruption (An Indian and Global Perspective)



Generally, E-government means use of information and communication technology to carry out government operations such as delivering government information and services [1]. E-government is seen as a means in making government more efficient and transparent when it satisfies the needs of the customers [2]. E-Governance can also be defined as monitoring of various schemes formulated by the government, electronic service offered by the government to business people and the citizens, internal service made by one department of the government to the other department of the government. Even though India is a diversified country, still the E-Governance in India is increasing day by day which needs to be appreciated. E-Governance simply means providing ICT enabled services at various levels which includes rural and urban level. In developing countries like India, the problem is not the poverty which hinders the economic development but lack of good governance which completely eradicates poverty. It is always the roles and responsibilities which are associated with positions, not with the individuals; and the internal allocation of responsibilities is not subjected to public scrutiny. Seeing anonymity from the theoretical angle, it shows the impartiality of administration but in practical aspect, it is very difficult for the public to access the information which is also dealt by the public officials. So not making equally the information available to the public, gives rise to abuse and illegal exploitation of the public power for personal gain. Today “Control of Corruption” is seen as a key indicator of good governance. “Corruption” is one of the elements that perpetuate poverty, thereby hindering the economic development of a country.

This paper brings out the contemporary understanding of how e-Governance measures are being used for controlling corruption, and some literature reviews are made in order to bring the linkage between “e-Governance” and “control of corruption”. For this paper, the type of research used by the researchers are based on theoretical approach which involves the reviewing of published works like researching through archives of public libraries, court rooms and published academic journals