Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health

  • ISSN: ISSN: 3065-9078

Dyslipidemia & Homoeopathy


Tridibesh Tripathy, Shankar Das, Rakesh Dwivedi, Niranjan Mohanty, D.P. Singh, Byomakesh Tripathy, D.R. Sahu, Mohini Gautam, Umakant Prusty, Pramod Bihari Pradhan, Jeevan Krushna Pattanaik, S.N. Pandey, Sanskriti Tripathy and Ranvijay Singh

The article looks at the issue of dyslipidemia & its associated public health issues. It draws from the Lancet study on diabetes in India. The article highlights the new guidelines on investigation of lipid profile not in empty stomach but after food. Till 2024, the practice was to do the lipid profile in empty stomach. Having discussed the modalities of public health in dyslipidemia in the context of diabetes, it proposes the integration of homoeopathy in to the domain of dyslipidemia. The article also proposes a treatment protocol based on homoeopathic therapeutics to deal with dyslipidemia.