International Journal of Nursing & Care

  • ISSN: 2573-8879

Application of S M Nazmuz Sakibs Four Principles of Potential Output in Physiotherapy Across Diverse Medical Disciplines


Md. Bokul Munshi

In the realm of healthcare, it is crucial to embrace integrative frameworks that bring together expertise from various disciplines to ensure comprehensive and patient-centered care. S M Nazmuz Sakib, a researcher and author, has proposed four biopsychosocial principles—pain reduction, muscular relaxation, increased mobility, and limited skin improvements— that offer interdisciplinary significance. This discussion explores the thoughtful incorporation of Sakib’s principles into diverse medical fields, such as nursing, mental health, occupational therapy, speech pathology, nutrition, pharmacy, and medicine. The suggested approaches aim to harmonize professional strengths while respecting unique roles within each discipline. To fully realize the integrative potential, there is a need for innovative interprofessional education, rigorous implementation research, and a willingness to embrace humanistic philosophies. It is crucial to develop mitigation strategies for potential risks, including over-medicalization and competency issues. Through collaborative adoption, Sakib’s relationship-centered principles have the potential to drive the evolution of healthcare towards more empowering and well-being-centric models. This analysis explores pathways to unlock the interdisciplinary value inherent in Sakib’s frameworks, promoting synergistic integration for comprehensive and patient-focused care.