International Journal of Oral Health Dental Management

  • ISSN: 2577-6533

Analysis of root canal filling quality by undergraduate students


Ivanka Veselinova Dimitrova and Yordanov.V. Teodor

Root canal treatment is a multistep procedure, where each sequential step is dependent on the adequacy of the previous for its cumulative efficacy. Тhe purpose of obturation of the root canals is to achieve hermetic sealing laterally, apically and coronally and to prevent the ingress of microorganisms.
The aim: of the present work is to analyze the quality of the root canal filling during endodontic treatment among undergraduate Bulgarian dental students during the academic year 22 /23.
Material and Methods: The radiographic criteria used for assessing RCF quality are: Length and Homogeneity of root canal filling. The object of this study is total of 272 root canal fillings in only the primary treatment performed by undergradued students. A part of the clinical case Root canal preparation of the teeth was performed using rotary endodontic NiTi instruments (ProTaper Gold) and root canals filled with corresponding calibrated gutta-percha points (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland. Another part of clinical cases the root canal preparation was performed using the step back technique and root canal filled with cold lateral condensation. Results for descriptive statistics were expressed as means and standard deviations (SD), frequencies and percentages.
Results: The total number of canals with overfilling length was 1,5% and those with underfilling length were 2,2% while total acceptable density of root filling was 97,8%.
Conclusion: Our study has shown that the quality of root canal filling performed by Bulgarian undergraduate students is high quality and acceptable and comparable to that of other undergraduate dental students.