Vaccine and Immunization-Research and Development

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Principal Scientist, Roche Diagnostics, NGS | BCR & TCR repertoires Pleasanton, California, United States

Dr Amin Daemi
Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cukurova University, Adana, TR01330, Turkey.

Huang Wei Ling
State University of Londrina, in the State of Parana, in Brazil

Zhao Yi , Ph.D.
Breast Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Affiliated Hospital Qinghai University, Xining City, China

Welcome to the vibrant hub of innovation at the Vaccine and Immunization Research and Development journal. As a dynamic nexus for groundbreaking research, we are committed to advancing the frontiers of vaccine development and immunization strategies. Researchers, clinicians, and public health enthusiasts converge here to explore, collaborate, and shape the future of global immunization initiatives.
Key Areas of Exploration
Embark on a multifaceted exploration within the field of vaccine and immunization research:
Vaccine Development: Uncover the latest breakthroughs in vaccine design, formulation, adjuvant technology, and novel delivery systems.
Immunization Strategies: Investigate effective approaches to vaccination programs, including community engagement, outreach, and vaccine distribution.
Vaccine Safety and Efficacy: Delve into robust clinical trials and real-world effectiveness studies, ensuring the continuous assessment of vaccine safety and efficacy.
Emerging Diseases: Address the ever-evolving landscape of infectious diseases, developing responsive strategies and vaccines for emerging threats.
Global Health Impact: Examine the broader impact of immunization on global health, from disease prevention to the socioeconomic benefits of vaccination programs.
Aim and Scope
The Vaccine and Immunization Research and Development journal aspires to achieve the following objectives:
Collaboration Hub: Facilitate collaboration among researchers, clinicians, and public health experts to foster a multidisciplinary approach to immunization challenges.
Knowledge Dissemination: Disseminate high-quality, evidence-based research to inform and guide immunization policies and practices worldwide.
Global Challenges: Address global challenges in vaccine accessibility, distribution, and acceptance, promoting equity in immunization efforts.
Innovation Catalyst: Serve as a catalyst for innovation in vaccine technology, delivery mechanisms, and public health interventions.
Target Audience
Our journal welcomes contributions from a diverse audience, including:
Vaccine Researchers and Developers
Immunologists, Virologists, and Microbiologists
Public Health Practitioners and Epidemiologists
Clinicians, Pediatricians, and Infectious Disease Specialists
Policymakers and Global Health Advocates
Manuscript Types Accepted
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of the following types:
Original Research Articles: Presenting novel findings in vaccine development, immunization strategies, and related areas.
Review Articles: Synthesizing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into specific aspects of vaccine research.
Clinical Trials: Reporting on rigorous clinical trials assessing the safety and efficacy of new vaccines.
Striving Against Plagiarism
To uphold the integrity of scholarly work, the Vaccine and Immunization Research and Development journal maintains a rigorous anti-plagiarism policy. All submitted manuscripts undergo meticulous plagiarism checks, ensuring the originality and authenticity of the contributions.
Article Publication Charges
Aligned with our commitment to open access, the journal operates without submission fees. However, authors may be subject to Article Processing Charges (APCs) upon acceptance. Comprehensive details regarding APCs are available on our Submission Guidelines.
Streamlined Submission Process
Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts through our user-friendly online submission system. Clear and detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are outlined in our Author Guidelines.
Submit Paper

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]

Journal key Highlights
Adjuvant technologyAllergy & ImmunologyAnimal TestingsBacteriology & VirologyBacteriostatic AntibioticsCell signaling & ActivationChildhood VaccinesClinical ImmunollogyClinical Vaccine StudiesCNS ImmunityCommunity EngagementCovid-19 VaccinesEmerging Infectious DiseasesEmerging Scholars in Immunization ScienceEpidemiological studiesEthical ConsiderationsGlobal Health ImpactImmune ResponseImmune Response to PathogensImmune Response to VaccineImmune SystemImmune TolerenceImmunization StrategiesImmuno PharmacologyImmunodeficiienciesImmunogeniticsImmunogenomicsImmunoglobulin GImmunoglobulinsImmunological StudiesImmunopathologyImmunotherrapyInnate ImmunityMultidisciplinary CollaborationNeuro ImmunologyNovel vaccinePublic Health PoliciesRecombination Of VaccineRegulatory AffaiirsSkin AllergySocioeconomic BenefitsTherapeutic vaccinesTranslational ResearchTumor ImmunologyVaccine DevelopmentVaccine DistributionVaccine ImmunologyVaccine SafetyVaccine typesVaccines & ImmunizationViral Immunollogy
Editorial Board Member Registration

If you feel like to be a part of Vaccine and Immunization-Research and Development as Editor, Please register at (or) send an email to [email protected]