Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences

Aims and Scope

The "Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences" is dedicated to advancing knowledge in the fields of probiotics, nutrition, and food sciences. With a commitment to scientific excellence, the journal aims to:
1. Probiotics Research
Microbial Diversity: Explore the multifaceted world of probiotics, delving into the richness of microbial communities and their contributions to human health.
Clinical Applications: Investigate the diverse clinical applications of probiotics, ranging from preventative measures to therapeutic interventions for various health conditions.
2. Food Sciences and Nutrition
Nutritional Innovations: Showcase studies that contribute to the development of innovative and health-promoting food products, emphasizing the integration of probiotics for enhanced nutritional benefits.
Functional Foods: Explore the evolving concept of functional foods, focusing on how probiotics can be strategically incorporated for improved health outcomes.
3. Gut-Brain Axis and Health
Holistic Well-being: Examine the intricate relationship between gut health and overall well-being, including mental health considerations.
Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Investigate the synergistic effects of prebiotics and probiotics, fostering a holistic approach to health that considers the interplay of various factors.
Target Audience
"Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences" welcomes contributions from a diverse audience, including:
Researchers and Scientists in Probiotics
Nutritionists and Dietitians
Food Scientists and Technologists
Healthcare Practitioners
Students and Educators in Nutrition and Food Sciences
Manuscript Types Accepted
The journal welcomes various manuscript types, including:
Original Research Articles: Presenting novel findings and in-depth exploration of probiotics and food sciences.
Review Articles: Synthesizing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into specific areas of study.
Clinical Trials and Observational Studies: Reporting on studies that bridge the gap between research and practical applications.
Striving for Excellence
In our pursuit of excellence, we encourage authors to submit manuscripts that uphold the highest standards of scientific rigor, clarity, and innovation. Each contribution should significantly contribute to the understanding of probiotics, nutrition, and their impact on human health.
Keywords and Areas Covered
Microbial Diversity
Clinical Applications
Functional Foods
Gut-Brain Axis
Holistic Well-being
Health Promotion
Areas Covered
Probiotics Research:
Exploration of microbial diversity and its impact on human health.
Clinical applications of probiotics in preventing and treating various health conditions.
Food Sciences and Nutrition:
Development of innovative and health-promoting food products.
Integration of probiotics in functional foods for enhanced nutritional benefits.
Gut-Brain Axis and Health:
Examination of the relationship between gut health and overall well-being.
Investigating the synergistic effects of prebiotics and probiotics for a holistic approach to health.
Nutritional Innovations:
Showcasing studies contributing to the development of innovative and health-promoting food products.
Functional Foods:
Exploring the evolving concept of functional foods and their impact on health outcomes.
Holistic Well-being:
Considering the interplay of factors that contribute to overall well-being, including mental health.
Authors are encouraged to align their contributions with these keywords and areas to ensure relevance and fit within the journal's scope.