Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences

Editorial Board View Editorial Board

Dr. Romina Alina Marc
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca / Education and research, Romania

Prof. Pinar Kadiroglu Kelebek
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Adana Alparslan Turkey Science and Technology University, Turkey

Dr Nivedita Datta
MTech, Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education, Victoria University, Australia

Gambardella Maria Luisa
Specialization in Digestive System Diseases Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy

Nourishing Science for Health and Wellness
Discover a world of scientific exploration at the "Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences," where the realms of probiotics, nutrition, and food sciences converge. Our journal serves as a dynamic platform for researchers, nutritionists, and food scientists, fostering groundbreaking studies that illuminate the intricate relationship between probiotics, food, and human health.
Key Features
Cutting-edge Research: Delve into the forefront of research at the intersection of probiotics, nutrition, and food sciences.
Nutritional Innovations: Showcasing studies that contribute to the development of innovative and health-promoting food products.
Gut Health Emphasis: Emphasizing the crucial role of probiotics in promoting gut health and overall well-being.
Aim and Scope
The "Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences" aims to:
1. Probiotics Research
Microbial Diversity: Explore the diverse world of probiotics, studying the microbial communities that contribute to health.
Clinical Applications: Investigate the clinical applications of probiotics in preventing and treating various health conditions.
2. Food Sciences and Nutrition
Nutritional Innovations: Showcase studies that contribute to the development of innovative and health-promoting food products.
Functional Foods: Explore the concept of functional foods, focusing on the integration of probiotics for enhanced nutritional benefits.
3. Gut-Brain Axis and Health
Holistic Well-being: Examine the connection between gut health and overall well-being, including mental health.
Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Investigate the synergistic effects of prebiotics and probiotics for a holistic approach to health.
Target Audience
"Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences" welcomes contributions from a diverse audience, including:
Researchers and Scientists in Probiotics
Nutritionists and Dietitians
Food Scientists and Technologists
Healthcare Practitioners
Students and Educators in Nutrition and Food Sciences
Manuscript Types Accepted
The journal welcomes various manuscript types, including:
Original Research Articles: Presenting novel findings and in-depth exploration of probiotics and food sciences.
Review Articles: Synthesizing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into specific areas of study.
Clinical Trials and Observational Studies: Reporting on studies that bridge the gap between research and practical applications.
Striving for Excellence
In our pursuit of excellence, we encourage authors to submit manuscripts that uphold the highest standards of scientific rigor, clarity, and innovation. Each contribution should significantly contribute to the understanding of probiotics, nutrition, and their impact on human health.
Submit Paper

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]

Journal key Highlights
Clinical ApplicatiionsFunctional FoodsGut-Brain AxisHealth PromotionHolistic Well-beingMicrobial DiversityNutritiionPrebioticsProbioticsSynbiotics
Editorial Board Member Registration

If you feel like to be a part of Journal of Probiotics and Food Sciences as Editor, Please register at (or) send an email to [email protected]