Journal of Agriculture & Education Research

  • ISSN: 3065-8764

Editorial Board View Editorial Board

Moustafa Mohamed Sabry Bakry
Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt

Prof. satya vart dwivedi , Ph.D
Professor & Dean, Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture banda university of agriculture & Technology, banda-210001-Uttar pradesh (India), Banda, India

Surendra Singh Bargali
Professor, Botany, Environmental Sciences DSB Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital , India

Darwin Pangaribuan , Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Journal of Agriculture & Education Research (ISSN:3065-8764is an online multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal which covers various areas of agricultural and education research. The journal aims to publish authoritative and well-referenced articles on topical issues in agricultural education and research.

The journal also publishes summaries, comparative articles and book reviews. Research papers submitted for publication should have a sound disciplinary basis, although cross-disciplinary contributions are also welcome. These papers can focus on empirical research, new methodological approaches, theoretical developments, as well as on policy issues.

Journal of Agriculture & Education Research provides a common forum where all aspects of agricultural and education research are presented. The journal invites original papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of agricultural and education research that is not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The journal encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all aspects of optimizing the quality and quantity of both plant and animal yield and final products, including agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineering and mechanization, agronomy and crop science, fish breeding, poultry breeding, plants and animals breeding, biotechnology, molecular biology, genetic diversity and breeding, food science and technology, land resources, land use, and remote sensing, plant pathology and pest management, microbiology, virology and bacteriology, organic agriculture, ecology and ecophysiology, physiology and nutrition, post-harvest technology, soil sciences, soilless culture, tissue culture technology, phytoremediation, and water management.

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Journal key Highlights
Agricultural and food economics and policyAgricultural CommunicationAgricultural economics and agribusinessAgricultural EducationAgricultural engineeringAgricultural environmentAgricultural genomicsAgricultural managementAgricultural productionAgricultural ScienceAgricultural technologyAgronomyarid soil research and rehabilitationCrop scienceEntomologyFFAFood chemistry and physicsFood nutrition and healthFood processing and manufacturingFood quality and safetyFood technology and engineeringForestryFreshwater scienceGlobal WarmingHorticultureIrrigationPesticide sciencePostharvest biology and technologySeed science researchSoil ScienceStored products researchSystematic biologyTree fruit productionWater QualityWater resources management
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