International Journal of Nuclear Science

Aims and Scope

International Journal of Nuclear Science is a peer reviewed Journal aim to encourage authors, research scholars, young scientists and engineers to publish their work in the field of nuclear science and techniques.

We publish Original Articles, Review, Mini Review, Case Reports, Editorial, and Letter to the Editor, Commentary, Rapid Communications and Perspectives, Case in Images, Clinical Images, and Conference Proceedings.

International Journal of Nuclear Science is open access follow blind peer review process by journal Editorial Board members. The accepted articles will be published online first within 7days.

We welcome articles on Applications of machine learning, Beam Technologies, Computational medical physics, Data science, Human Resource Development, Laser Technology, Neutron Technology, Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear Data Measurement, Nuclear energy science and engineering, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear medicine, Nuclear physics, Nuclear Policy, Nuclear Safety, Radiation Application, Radiation Behaviors, Radioactive Waste Management, Radioisotope production, Radiopharmaceuticals, Reactor, Space reactors, Thermal Hydraulics, etc.

Submission Process

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts through our user-friendly online submission system. Clear and detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are outlined in our Author Guidelines.