International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery is a peer-reviewed Journal that publishes quality research and reviews in the field. International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery aims to encourage authors, research scholars and young scientists to publish their work on research related to clinical and medical surgery. Some of the vital aspects that the journal covers are Cardiovascular Case Reports, Case reports in Cancer Science, Case Reports in Clinical Pathology, Case reports in Diabetes, Case reports in Nanotechnology, Case Reports in Psychology, Clinical Reviews, Cardiology Case Reports, Clinical Images, Global Health Reports, Health Care Reports, Immunology reports, Joint fluid analysis, Medical Case Reports, Neurology case reports, Ophthalmology case reports, Stem cells case reports, Urology case reports Cardiovascular Case Reports, Case reports in Cancer Science, Case Reports in Clinical Pathology, Case reports in Nanotechnology, Case Reports in Psychology, Clinical Reviews, Global Health Reports, Gynecology Case reports, Health Care Reports, Immunology reports, Joint fluid analysis, Medical Case Reports, Neurology case reports, Ophthalmology case reports, Stem cells case reports, Case Reports in Clinical Studies and Medicine, Clinical and Medical Case Reports, Clinical Case Studies, Medical Case Studies, Case Reports in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Case Reports in Nutrition in Clinical Practice, Case Reports in Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Case Reports in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Case Reports in Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Case Reports in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Case Reports in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Case Reports in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Case Reports in Clinical and Experimental Pathology, Case Reports in Clinical Biomechanics, Case Reports in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Case Reports in Clinical Forensic Medicine, Case Reports in Clinical Genetics, Case Reports in Clinical Interventions in Aging, Case Reports in Clinical Molecular Pathology, Case Reports in Clinical Neuroradiology, Case Reports in Clinical Nutrition, Case Reports in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Case Reports in Clinical Oral Investigations, Case Reports in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Case Reports in Clinical Rheumatology, Case Reports in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Case Reports in Nutrition in Clinical Practice, Case Reports in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, and a lot more.
Article Types
We publish Original Articles, reviews, Mini-reviews, Reports, editorials, Letters to the Editor, Commentary, Rapid Communications and Perspectives, and Conference Proceedings.
Each paper will be assigned a registration number and the number will be e-mailed to the respective author, which the author can keep safe and use to know the status of the article at any time.
Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]
For any further queries, you may write to the Editorial Assistant, International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery, email: [email protected]
International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery accepts only original article that has not been published previously and must not be submitted elsewhere. If authors have submitted their work to any journal before, the author must submit a withdrawal letter before submission to the International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery. Manuscript Duplicity is a crime thus Plagiarism should be completely avoided. Figures and Tables extracted from any sources are considered malpractice. The Data extracted must be cited and this journal does not encourage the exact reproduction of any content.
Article Publication Charges
International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery does not receive funding from any institution/government. The journal is solely dependent on the handling fees received from authors and some academic/corporate sponsors. The handling fees are required to meet the maintenance of the journal. Authors are required to pay a fair handling fee for processing their articles, but there are no submission charges. Authors are required to make payment for their article only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.
Article Type |
Article Processing Charges (USD) |
Regular article |
699 USD |
Special Issue article |
1519 USD |
Structure of papers
Manuscripts should be written in English language and should be submitted in Times New Roman 10-point font. The manuscript should be sent by e-mail as Microsoft Word attachments and the figures should be the illustrations as separate JPEG files. Papers should be structured in accordance with the guidelines that are set out below.
Title of the paper: The title should be limited to 25 words or less and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be a brief phrase describing the contents of the paper.
Author information: Co-authors and Corresponding author should include address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address in the manuscript
Abstract: The abstract should not be more than 300 words. In Abstracts, subheadings should be Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
Keywords: Following the abstract, a list of keywords (3-10) should be included.
Abbreviations: The names and terms to be referred to in the form of abbreviations and acronyms must be first mentioned in full. Use only standard abbreviations. Authors avoid using plural terms and multiple for example ‘and’, ‘of’.
Introduction: The introduction should set the tone of the paper by providing a clear statement of the study, the relevant literature on the study subject and the proposed approach or solution. The introduction should be general enough to attract a reader’s attention from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
Materials and Methods: This section should provide a complete overview of the design of the study. Detailed descriptions of materials or participants, comparisons, interventions and types of analysis should be mentioned. However, only new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Capitalize trade names and include the manufacturer’s name and address.
Results: The results section should provide complete details of the experiment that are required to support the conclusion of the study. The results should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors’ experiments. Previously published findings should be written in the present tense. Results and discussion may be combined or in a separate section. Speculation and detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the results but should be put into the discussion section.
Discussion: It should discuss the results that were obtained and compare them with those obtained from previous studies. Authors may give information on further research on the topics related to the article.
Conclusions: It should be listed at the end of the article.
Tables: Tables should be submitted in word test format in a separate sheet, double-spaced, and numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. If, explanatory notes should be written end of a table with the complete names of abbreviated terms. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. The table legend should be clearly mentioned.
Figures: Figures should be submitted in images format in .doc, TIFF and JPEG. Figure legend should be a sufficient description and legend should not attach to the figure.
Acknowledgement: This section includes acknowledgement of people, grant details, funds, etc. at the end of the article before the references.
References: Please follow the style of the International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery. References should be collected from only published or accepted manuscripts and should be included in the reference list numbered in the order that they appear in the text. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. All personal communications should be supported by a letter from the relevant authors.
Example: Daniel J. Article title. Journal short name year; volume: page numbers.
Math formulae: Please submit math equations as editable text in a word file and not as images.
Copyright: International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery is an open-access journal. After articles are published, authors will have rights, in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.
Special Issue Guidelines
International Journal of Clinical & Medical Surgery is a peer-reviewed Journal that publishes quality research and reviews in the field.
Proposal Preparation: All proposals should include the following information:
Title of the proposed special issue, List of topics to be covered, List of contributors: Corresponding author and Co-authors, Guest Editor(s) and Reviewers- Address, phone, e-mail, and fax of guest editors and reviewers and Deadlines for submission and review process (Timeline for submission, review, and final acceptance).
All proposals should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office by [email protected]
Role of Guest Editor(s)
Submission Process
All accepted articles will be released under special issue and will be freely available for reading, downloading, and printing. For further information on special issue guidelines and the submission process, please contact us [email protected]