Explorations in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Editorial Board View Editorial Board

Prijitha R G , Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Electronics School of Sciences JAIN, Deemed-to-be University, Bangladesh

Aramesh Seif , Ph.D.
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering The National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia

Ridouane El Mezouary
Doctor- State engineer In Networks and Telecommunications University of Mohammed V, Morocco

Explorations in Astronomy & Astrophysics is an online, open-access journal dedicated to advancing the study of the universe and its underlying physical principles. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles in all areas of astronomy and astrophysics, encompassing both theoretical and observational approaches. It provides a forum for research related to the structure, dynamics, and evolution of astronomical objects and systems, from planetary bodies to galaxies and the cosmos as a whole.

The journal aims to facilitate the exchange of scientific knowledge and ideas between researchers, academics, professionals, and students across the globe. Our content is designed to serve a wide audience, including those involved in basic research, practical applications in space science, and the development of astronomical technologies.

Explorations in Astronomy & Astrophysics includes a variety of article types, such as research papers, review articles, editorials, commentaries, position papers, and more. The journal's scope encompasses all major subfields of astronomy and astrophysics, including observational techniques, theoretical models, astrophysical phenomena, space missions, and instrumentation.

Submit Paper

Submit manuscript at www.wecmelive.com/journal/explorations-in-astronomy-astrophysics/manuscript-submission or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]

Journal key Highlights
Acceleration of ParticlesAccretion and Accretion DiscsAdaptive OpticsAstro Particle PhysicsAstrobiologyAstrochemistryAtmospheric EffectsBalloonsBlack Hole PhysicsDetectionElementary ParticlesErrata and AddendaHigh Angular Resolution InstrumentationInstrumentation: Adaptive OpticsInstrumentation: DetectorsInstrumentation: High Angular ResolutionInstrumentation: InterferometersInstrumentation: MiscellaneousInstrumentation: PhotometersInterferometersPhotometersPublications and BibliographyRadiation Mechanisms: Non-ThermalRadiation Mechanisms: ThermalRadiative TransferRelativistic ProcessesShock WavesSociology of AstronomyTechno signaturesTurbulence
Editorial Board Member Registration

If you feel like to be a part of Explorations in Astronomy & Astrophysics as Editor, Please register at https://www.wecmelive.com/journal/explorations-in-astronomy-astrophysics/editor-registration (or) send an email to [email protected]