Chemistry Research and Practice

Aims and Scope

"Chemistry Research and Practice" is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of chemical innovation, bridging the gap between theory and application. Our aim is to create a vibrant space for researchers, practitioners, and educators to contribute to the ever-evolving field of chemistry. The journal encompasses a broad spectrum of topics within the realm of chemical sciences, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and encouraging practical applications that drive positive change.
Key Objectives
1. Advance Chemical Knowledge
Theoretical Foundations: Publish and disseminate theoretical advancements that contribute to the fundamental understanding of chemical principles.
Experimental Innovations: Showcase innovative experimental approaches, techniques, and methodologies that push the boundaries of chemical research.
2. Drive Practical Applications and Industry Impact
Industrial Chemistry: Highlight research directly relevant to industrial processes, addressing challenges and proposing sustainable solutions.
Technological Integration: Explore the intersection of chemistry with emerging technologies, emphasizing its role in technological advancements.
3. Encourage Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Chemistry and Beyond: Foster collaboration with other scientific disciplines, encouraging research that addresses complex global challenges.
Innovation in Healthcare: Feature contributions exploring the intersection of chemistry with healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and medical technologies.
4. Promote Educational Excellence
Research Articles: Presenting novel findings and in-depth exploration of chemical phenomena to contribute to academic scholarship.
Review Articles: Synthesizing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into specific areas of chemical research, facilitating a deeper understanding.
5. Support Diverse Manuscript Types
Practical Applications: Showcasing the real-world impact of chemical theories and discoveries in various industries and technologies.
6. Target Diverse Audience
Chemists and Researchers: Providing a platform for professionals to share their discoveries and insights.
Industrial Chemists and Engineers: Offering practical solutions and innovations relevant to industrial processes.
Educators and Students: Fostering an environment that supports learning, research, and academic growth.
7. Embrace Open Access Principles
Open Dissemination: Operating under a Creative Commons license, the journal facilitates the open dissemination of knowledge, contributing to the global scientific community.
Keywords and Areas Covered
Chemistry Research
Chemical Innovation
Theoretical Chemistry
Experimental Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Technological Integration
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Healthcare Chemistry
Educational Chemistry
Sustainable Solutions
Emerging Technologies
Chemical Applications
Academic Scholarship
Open Access Chemistry
Scientific Collaboration
Areas Covered
Theoretical Foundations:
Advancements in theoretical chemistry
Computational methods and modeling
Experimental Innovations:
Innovative experimental approaches
Cutting-edge laboratory techniques
Industrial Chemistry:
Research directly relevant to industrial processes
Sustainable solutions for industrial challenges
Technological Integration:
Intersection of chemistry with emerging technologies
Contributions to technological advancements
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Collaboration with other scientific disciplines
Research addressing complex global challenges
Innovation in Healthcare:
Contributions exploring the intersection of chemistry with healthcare
Pharmaceutical research and medical technologies
Educational Excellence:
Novel findings contributing to academic scholarship
Comprehensive review articles supporting deeper understanding
Practical Applications:
Real-world impact of chemical theories and discoveries
Applications in various industries and technologies
Open Access Principles:
Operation under a Creative Commons license
Facilitation of open dissemination of knowledge
Authors are encouraged to align their contributions with these keywords and areas to ensure relevance and fit within the journal's scope.