Chemistry Research and Practice

Editorial Board View Editorial Board

Dr. Laura Gabriela SARBU , Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

Dr. Mihail Lucian Birsa
Professor, Department of Chemistry Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

Noviany , Ph.D
Professor, Departmen of Chemistry, FMIPA Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Dr. Alireza Heidari , Ph.D., D.Sc.
Professor, Faculty of Chemistry California South University (CSU), Irvine, California, USA

Discover a world of cutting-edge research and practical applications at "Chemistry Research and Practice." Our journal serves as a catalyst for advancements in chemical knowledge, offering a dynamic platform for researchers, practitioners, and innovators to share their insights and contribute to the evolving landscape of chemistry.
Key Features
Cutting-Edge Research: Delve into the latest discoveries and advancements across diverse branches of chemistry, from theoretical foundations to experimental innovations
Practical Applications: Explore the real-world applications of chemical theories, emphasizing the tangible impact of research on industry and technology.
Interdisciplinary Approach: Embrace the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry, fostering collaborations with other scientific disciplines and driving innovation.
Aim and Scope
"Chemistry Research and Practice" aims to:
1. Advance Chemical Knowledge
Theoretical Foundations: Publish and disseminate theoretical advancements that deepen our understanding of chemical principles.
Experimental Innovations: Showcase innovative experimental approaches, techniques, and methodologies that push the boundaries of chemical research.
2. Drive Practical Applications and Industry Impact
Industrial Chemistry: Highlight research directly relevant to industrial processes, addressing challenges and proposing sustainable solutions.
Technological Integration: Explore the intersection of chemistry with emerging technologies, emphasizing its role in technological advancements
3. Encourage Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Chemistry and Beyond: Foster collaboration with other scientific disciplines, encouraging research that addresses complex global challenges.
Innovation in Healthcare: Feature contributions exploring the intersection of chemistry with healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and medical technologies.
Target Audience
"Chemistry Research and Practice" welcomes contributions from:
Chemists and Researchers
Industrial Chemists and Engineers
Educators and Students
Technologists and Innovators
Manuscript Types Accepted
The journal welcomes a variety of manuscript types, including:
Research Articles: Presenting novel findings and in-depth exploration of chemical phenomena.
Review Articles: Synthesizing existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into specific areas of chemical research.
Practical Applications: Showcasing the practical applications of chemical theories and discoveries in real-world scenarios.
Striving for Excellence
In our pursuit of excellence, we encourage authors to submit manuscripts that uphold the highest standards of scientific rigor, clarity, and innovation. Each contribution should contribute meaningfully to the advancement of chemical knowledge and practice.
Submission Process
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts through our user-friendly online submission system. Clear and detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are outlined in our Author Guidelines.
Ethical Considerations
Authors are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the integrity of their research, proper citation of sources, and avoidance of plagiarism.
Copyright and Open Access
Authors retain the copyright of their work, and "Chemistry Research and Practice" operates under a Creative Commons license, promoting the open dissemination of knowledge.
Submit Paper

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected]

Journal key Highlights
Academic ScholarshipChemical ApplicationsChemical InnovationChemistry ResearchEducational ChemistryEmerging TechnologiesExperimental ChemistryHealthcare ChemistryIndustrial ChemistryOpen Access ChemistryScientific CollaborationSustainable SolutionsTechnological IntegratiionTheoretical Chemistry
Editorial Board Member Registration

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